Most of us know the experience of traveling in the “luxury” of an airline. We are invited to take our very own seat, crammed in a row of other sardines. We are given a blanket that in any other parallel dimension would logically be considered a napkin; a meal that would constitute as kibble, and an accompanying napkin that would be considered Q-Tip fodder (I know because I was intrigued enough to see if I actually could cram this thing entirely into my ear and I did it). After “dining” we are invited to recline to the full leisure of around 2 inches back to enjoy the flight. Ahh! The wanton luxury. In the real world, these “amenities” would not be considered anything tolerable, reasonable or acceptable. In actuality, these are simply minimal expressions of reality, but hey, we roll with it.
Why do we do that? Well, possibly because we perceive it to be the best we can do. We delude ourselves into thinking we are living the life when in reality, we are only faking it. After all, things will get better after the flight anyway, right? Well, it may not have all that grave of consequences on a plane ride, but how about in the course of our spiritual lives? Are we deluding ourselves there?
Do we simply exhibit minimal expressions of genuine relationship with Jesus? Maybe we go to church a couple of times a month. Maybe we read the Bible on our own several times a year. Maybe we pray at Sunday meals. But are these minimal expressions of faith really what we should come to accept as part of a vibrant, passionate walk with Christ? I don’t think so. In fact, I think such nominal tokens of spiritual discipline should be caution signs deserving of examination.
Paul encourages the Church at Corinth to, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you — unless indeed you fail the test?” (2 Corinthians 13:5).
He is saying it is a good thing to place yourself under the microscope and analyze what you see. He makes the argument that discernment of your true relationship with Christ should be obvious. Do you pass the test of one who has placed your trust in Christ? Or does your behavior point to that of a person who is pretending to be a follower of Christ? If you are a true follower of the Savior, then, why the half-hearted commitment?
Please don’t toss this article aside and say, “Oh, that guy is just harping again,” or proclaim that it really isn’t all that important, “After all, I’ll sort it all out someday soon.”
If you are not in the faith, eternity is going to be the worst thing imaginable. This is one test you do not want to fail, and you don’t have to. The minimal tokens of a pretend salvation are not going to satisfy, and they’re not going to grant you entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. Yet, a great relationship with God is only a prayer to Christ away.
If you really are in the faith, then get on board. Stop messing around with your time and make your relationship with Christ a priority. Be done with “minimals.”
Sort it out now! Who knows how long your flight will be?
“Please return your tray tables and your seat backs to their full upright positions, we’re ready to land and enter real life.”
Thanks for these wise words