Owls are amazing creatures. God has given them astonishing abilities, especially when it comes to their vision. For starters, their eyes are disproportionately large for their size, allowing them to capture vast amounts of light and a large range of vision to aid in their nocturnal hunting. Additionally, they are able to survey all around them by turning their heads up to 270 degrees which permits them to see behind them without rotating their torsos. This ability allows them to turn with negligible effort and minimizes the amount of noise made as it waits for its prey. In addition to all this, the eyes can operate independently of each other allowing them to “multitask.”
Obviously, the owl is pretty well equipped to visually assess its environment and the conditions, but that particular luxury has not been afforded us; we cannot see behind us. We are not owls that can rotate our heads 270 degrees; consequently, we need the help of others to help us identify those “blind spots” in our lives. And we all have blind spots, whether they are vocational, marital, moral, social, ethical, or even theological, an extra pair of eyes is often of great value.
Remember the story of David sinning with Bathsheba? David seemed clueless. Nathan came along and gave David a better perspective on the situation. As a result, David was able to clearly see his sin and repent from it. In 2 Samuel 12:13 he said, “I have sinned against the LORD.”
Remember as well, the counsel of Jethro in Exodus 18. Moses was errantly trying to govern all of Israel without help. Jethro pointed out the advantage of delegating responsibility to lighten the burden of Moses. Pretty good idea for sure. So why is it that we are so reluctant to ask for help? It’s like trying to back up a semi-truck without mirrors.
Here’s my point. No, we can’t see all around us and that is why Proverbs 11:14 advises us to seek out an extra pair of eyes, “Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Whether it is for spiritual advise, possible sinful areas or even business management solutions as in the case of Jethro, God encourages us to seek the counsel from an independent pair of eyes.
But God has not stopped there. He has given us his Word to be a light unto our feet, which means we can receive counsel from His Word. And last, but certainly not least, God gives us the blessed gift of His Spirit to be within us. Jesus says in John 16:13, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”
Now, obviously, this means that the Spirit will direct us in the greatest truths of all – the existence of God, our need for a Savior, and the fact that Jesus is that Savior. But, on a smaller scale, I believe that means that the Spirit of God is working to lead us, guide us, and direct us in the everyday considerations of life.
I am not certain what blind spots befall you today, and by definition, neither do you to some degree, but don’t fail to ask for counsel from a trusted friend. Don’t neglect counsel from the written Word of God.
And by all means, invite God’s Spirit to shine a little light on the situation!
Thanks for these wise words