In a matter of days, the American people will move with great force to determine the color of rule which will govern for the next 4 years (at least). Many, a record amount has already boldly cast their votes. Passions are high. Anxieties are high. Expectations? … mmm… a little low. Will we serve to produce a more perfect union, or will it yield to be a house divided? It is doubtful whether, we the people will have much certainty before the nights’ end, but one thing seems clear – the fabric of our union will be torn.
As a nation, we have been granted, by divine right, through human ingenuity, or perhaps a blend of the two, a unique and favored government – our cherished Constitutional Republic upon which we stand. Our legislative branch produces laws in accordance to the Constitution. Our judicial branch interprets the application of those laws. And the executive branch applies those laws upon the lay of the land. The citizenry, the Red and Blue provide a moderating tension, and given that one does not yield or dictate to a disproportionate level, a healthy equilibrium (of sorts) is achieved in harmony with the opposing party.
It appears that such a state may not be able to be enjoyed too much longer. At stake is much more than entitlements or trade agreements – at risk is still the lingering question of how we can long endure. Nearly 160 years later we are still engaged in a great civil war, still testing whether that nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure.
Only a metaphor, but my guess is that the only party hanging out in the cheap seats applauding the chaos is Satan himself, complete with chili and mustard dripping off of his greasy chin… and a stale beer. Again, only a metaphor for the satisfaction he must in some part enjoy.
Years before Gettysburg, Lincoln gave his A House Divided speech (1858) wherein he asserted that the division of the States would not remain, but rather one side would consume the other. I would suggest that we stand again at that brink.
Axiomatically, the words of Christ are no less fitting for our nation as they are for the Church, or an individual: “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls” (Luke 11:17). Though Jesus is defending His actions regarding casting out of demons, the logic applies to businesses, churches, and yes, even governments – even incongruency will find its own course, or courses.
Certainly, this election cycle is one which will likely not only choose a political course for the next several years, but could as well set the trajectory for a “new” America for the indeterminate future. The divide between the two parties continues to grow. There are rights and wrongs. There are better platforms and policies. There are people of a more noble character. But it seems like we have pretty well left God in the rear-view mirror, not completely, but pretty well.
Unless we place Christ in His proper role, we stand to evolve into the mire of also-ran-nations which have gone before us. What identifies us? Biblical marriages? Respect of the unborn? Holiness? Or, two-fisted sins, and a penchant for evil? Wanton idolatry?
The chasm is real. The road before us is long, but we can choose a better course. Pray for the hearts of this nation that they would be convicted by the Spirit of God.
While there is still time. If there is still time. Repentance is always a good option.
May a pursuit of God once again be a touchstone of our nation!
“Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).