I was disappointed to hear the president say weeks ago that Republicans, notably MAGA Republicans are the greatest threat to our democracy. Though I was in no way surprised by this rhetoric, I was a little upset that this individual, who ran on the assertion that he would be a unifier of the nation, would take this unpopular stand to divide the country, and thus cut-off nearly half of the constituents of this country. But, to be honest, I have felt dismissed by him all along. I am done being labeled Nazi, Racist, Fascist, Dark Forces, Sacred Bigot or Cockroach.
I should expect diversionary tactics such as this to characterize an administration whose numbers are so dismal, to employ such tactics, which are intended to help his team survive the reality and consequences of bleak national economic health, poor foreign affairs, and lethargic optimism. As a result, most of their proposed anarchial solutions, most of which are opposed to God’s good order are meant to curry favor, and procure the vote. So, their methodology would seem to offer a tickling-of-ears platform in an effort to succeed at whatever the cost to their souls.
It is true that I am a Conservative Christian, and vote Republican as I find that platform most aligns with Biblical values–though… They. Do. Not. Always. Get. It. Right. Yet, the Red and the Blue are irreconcilably opposed.
Though it is hard to define in entirety whatever nefarious elements may be on their agenda, I would identify most are contrary to God’s Law–void of God. The following are some of the ideologies which the Blue Party embraces, and promotes as part of the solution to a better Union:
- Taking from tax-paying citizens, forcing them to cover other people’s debt and folly.
- Celebrating restroom usage by both genders, or whatever gender a person chooses to be at the moment.
- Embracing the conception that men can have babies, thus denying science when it is convenient.
- Asserting the idea that the term “woman” is not definable by any that are not biologists (except when convenient).
- That men are categorically patriarchal, and racially abusive.
- That same-sex marriage is normative
- That Drag Queen Story Time for Children is healthy sexualization of children.
- That more than two genders is an actual reality.
- That gender is fluid, and that “gender affirmation” surgeries are even possible.
- That it is okay to allow a minor to be given birth control, have an abortion, or choose to undergo a “sexual transformation” all without consulting a parent.
- That willfully applaud assisted suicide.
- That embrace abortion as a solution to runaway inflation.
- That justifies killing babies in the womb defining them as clumps of cells. I can tell you if anybody would choose to dismember a puppy a day before its birth, or kill a baby gorilla in the womb, or even tear out a seeding redwood just as it would begin to press through the top soil–these certainly would not be considered just clumps of cells, and this group would shout about the evil and injustice done.
- Who celebrate pretty much anything which opposes God, since they omitted Him from their platform at the 2012 Convention. This party’s ideology is irreconcilably opposed to God’s good order.
What a platform! Is this the best that they have to put forward as solutions to the tanking economics, gas prices, and open borders? And they say that Republicans are the major concern to democracy? In these tenets, neither the president nor the party is a friend to Christian orthodoxy. I find it interesting that the “D”, not only denotes the political affiliation, but has become a great indicator of one’s theological identity and embrace of Scripture. The Red and the Blue are definitely living in alternate realities.
Is this a religious article? Is this a political article? The answer is “yes” to both; political ideologies, and religious beliefs have become so intertwined that the two have converged and become virtually indistinct from one another. A “D” presently denotes a social activism, along with a theological identity–a non-theistic identity, a non-God identity. An “R” denotes some measure of Scriptural alignment-but that too could be so much stronger.
We are cautioned that these kinds of individuals, and this kind of ideology would/does/will exist in Isaiah 5:20:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
I would contend the greatest threat to the Constitutional Republic of the United States is not MAGA, it is not Republicans, it is not conservatism, but the far-left progressive ideology of the Democratic party. I am still looking for fruit upon their “woke” tree. This contorted ideology is not rooted in logic, in nature, or in reality, but most of all, it is not rooted in God’s perfect plan. It is perpetrated in order to bring about more chaos to an already compromised world due to sin. It is sad to see any vestiges of biblical allegiance have all but dissipated into the confusion of their modernity. What may be worse is that much of the American public is willing to swallow this evil, presented in a “new and improved” package, even though it is vehemently opposed to God, and time and time again has failed the people.
I pray God will enlighten some, that the True God would be welcomed into their hearts, and party; I pray passive Conservatives would become vocal zealots for the Truth of Scripture.
Stand up! We are close.
God help us!